Your call will be answered by a youth volunteer age 18-30. Before taking their first caller, all volunteer supporters undergo 30 hours of training developed by mental health professionals.
When you call 855-95-AMALA
Who picks up?
Amala Youth Hopeline
Peer Support
They are trained
providing peer support
Topics frequently talked about include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Eating disorders
- Substance abuse
Volunteers are trained and ready to help callers and they will recognize cultural nuances that may be impacting the caller.
Follow-up training meetings are regularly held for all volunteer supporters to make sure they are well-equipped to deal with each call they receive. Supervisors are present at each shift to handle the more difficult calls/situations. Our Hopeline peer supporters are NOT licensed professionals.
Who is MAS-SSF?
The Amala Youth Hopeline is a MAS-Social Services Foundation Program.
Learn more about the Foundation at MAS-SSF offers a variety of social services for the Muslim community. These include counseling–personal and group, support groups, educational workshops on mental health/stress management, premarital counseling, and resource referrals.